Quick networking tips for entrepreneurs short on time

Networking is one of the most valuable things you can do as a business owner. Some studies suggest that networking at events can gain companies up to 20% of their new customers, and a networking strategy can also be the key to finding new investors and partners that will help to grow your business. Unfortunately,… Continue reading Quick networking tips for entrepreneurs short on time

WordPress 6.1 Misha is now here!

The team behind WordPress have launched their latest version on the 1st November 2022, WordPress 6.1 Misha. The most up-to-date WordPress code name is derived from the name of a jazz pianist. The previous two updates were called WordPress 6.0 Arturo (inspired by a Grammy-winning jazz musician Arturo O’Farrill), WordPress 5.9 Joséphine (in honour of… Continue reading WordPress 6.1 Misha is now here!

What you need to know about lifestyle creep

On the surface, you look successful. You’ve been climbing up the career ladder with one higher paying position after the next, or your business is growing month-on-month. Yet, your savings are low, and your life goals still lie far out of reach. You may be experiencing lifestyle creep. That’s when your expenses keep increasing along… Continue reading What you need to know about lifestyle creep

Copywriting and branding essentials for your business

Copywriting is one of the most important parts of your brand strategy. The copy your business puts out embodies your brand’s personality. Whereas content is a way you reach your customers through blogs, social media, eBooks, or email, copy is the writing you use to call people to action. Well-written copy uses language that speaks… Continue reading Copywriting and branding essentials for your business

I like PPC and I like SEO – but which is better?

In order to grow your business online, you may be wondering whether you should invest your time and money into Pay-Per-Click Advertising (PPC) or Search Engine Optimisation (SEO). Both have their positives and negatives, but is one better than the other? Admittedly there are lots of opinions on this – and very few are particularly… Continue reading I like PPC and I like SEO – but which is better?

WordPress 6.0 Arturo is out now

The team behind WordPress have launched their latest version on the 24th May 2022, WordPress 6.0 Arturo.  Did you know that the WordPress code name is derived from the name of a jazz musician?  The previous three updates were called WordPress 5.9 Joséphine (in honour of the acclaimed jazz singer (and life long civil rights campaigner) Joséphine Baker).  WordPress 5.8… Continue reading WordPress 6.0 Arturo is out now