Server-side vs client-side code: key differences

As you look for guidance towards developing your next web project, you may come across the terms “server-side” and “client-side” web code. These phrases refer to the fundamental architecture of web applications and how they process and present data to the end user. In this article, we will explore the differences between server-side and client-side… Continue reading Server-side vs client-side code: key differences

Eco Update: April 2023 – forest protection & solar EV

At Enbecom we take our commitment to our clients and the environment very seriously. That’s why we have partnered with Ecologi, to offset our carbon emissions by supporting various climate projects, such as tree planting and renewable energy. By supporting these initiatives, we hope to make a positive impact on the environment and contribute to… Continue reading Eco Update: April 2023 – forest protection & solar EV

WordPress 6.2 Dolphy is now here!

The team behind WordPress have launched their latest version on the 29th March 2023, WordPress 6.2 Dolphy. The most up-to-date WordPress code name is derived from the name of a jazz pianist. The previous three updates were called WordPress 6.1 Misha (named after a Soviet-Norwegian jazz pianist, Mikhail “Misha” Alperin), WordPress 6.0 Arturo (inspired by… Continue reading WordPress 6.2 Dolphy is now here!

Eco Update: March 2023 – waste biogas & wind power

Here at Enbecom we are committed to supporting the planet, as well as our clients.  We try to run our business responsibly and part of this is supporting specific eco-friendly initiatives worldwide. Over the last month, as well as planting trees based on invoice payments and service sign-ups and renewals, we’ve supported two particular projects:… Continue reading Eco Update: March 2023 – waste biogas & wind power

Categorised as Eco Update

PHP 8.2 is out now! Available on all our hosting plans

We’re pleased to announce that the latest and greatest version of PHP – 8.2 – is now available on all our currently available web hosting plans. PHP is the language behind millions of websites, powering WordPress, Drupal, Joomla, Magento and loads more off-the-shelf and custom web applications. The improvements and new features include: You can… Continue reading PHP 8.2 is out now! Available on all our hosting plans