In the “old days” of websites, static HTML was the main choice. Despite the advent of Content Management Systems (CMS) such as WordPress or Drupal, static HTML is still up there as a possibility for some types of website, especially where there’s infrequent updating, minimal data gathering and a need for speed. You need to… Continue reading Building a Website: Static HTML versus CMS
Eco Update: Sept 23 – Summer projects recap
We have loved being able to see the impact that our contributions to Ecologi have made this summer, with a number of exciting projects being supported. In May, we helped to prevent an average of 43,410 tonnes of through a project that is turning organic waste into electricity in India, as well as helping protect… Continue reading Eco Update: Sept 23 – Summer projects recap
The Unseen Journey of Lorem Ipsum: From Ancient Rome to Digital Design
The ubiquitous placeholder text, ‘Lorem Ipsum,’ has an intriguing history dating back over 2000 years. It’s often used in design and publishing circles as a standard ‘dummy’ or ‘greeking’ text, where the focus is on visual design elements rather than actual content. To appreciate its fascinating journey, we must first travel back in time to… Continue reading The Unseen Journey of Lorem Ipsum: From Ancient Rome to Digital Design
Eco Update: Aug 23 – Solar power project in Morocco
Here at Enbecom, we want to play our part in providing a better future for our planet and this doesn’t just stop at planning trees. In August, by partnering with Ecologi, we have helped to fund a project that is helping to avoid methane emissions from landfill in Brazil and a solar power project in… Continue reading Eco Update: Aug 23 – Solar power project in Morocco
Enabling Dark and Light mode in JavaScript – a guide
With the growing popularity of dark mode in modern web interfaces, it’s become increasingly important for developers to implement this feature. Whether you’re a seasoned professional or just starting with web development, this guide will walk you through the process of creating a toggle switch for dark and light themes in JavaScript. Step 1: Detecting… Continue reading Enabling Dark and Light mode in JavaScript – a guide
Eco Update: July 23 – Lower emissions & wind power
Since partnering with Ecologi, it’s been exciting to see that in under three years, we’ve helped to fund 41 projects and avoid 42 tonnes of CO2e, as well as contributing to the planting of over 4,000 trees. In July alone we helped to fund a project avoiding methane emissions from landfill in Brazil, that is… Continue reading Eco Update: July 23 – Lower emissions & wind power
Supporting Epic EV Explorer – EV news and more
Through our tree planting commitment and other environmental work, we’re trying to make a statement that there are things – even small things – we can all do for the environment. We believe in a sustainable future, which is why we are an official supporter of the Epic EV Explorer project, believing that EVs are… Continue reading Supporting Epic EV Explorer – EV news and more
CentOS and web servers – how to move forward
If you’re in the IT/web industry, if you run your own web servers or if you simply prefer Linux as an operating system, you might have heard about the impending “end-of-life” of the CentOS 7 flavour of Linux alongside a complete change in the CentOS project. Here’s some details on what’s happening and how to… Continue reading CentOS and web servers – how to move forward
Eco Update: June 23 – cleaner cookstoves
We’re thrilled to have been able to help contribute to the support of two more fantastic projects through June, which not just help the planet but also people in the local communities. Cleaner cookstoves in Keyna will mean 2,400,000 tonnes of woody biomass are saved every year, while over 1,000 children in Mexico have been… Continue reading Eco Update: June 23 – cleaner cookstoves