From the planting of trees to helping with the protection of peatland, our contributions to Ecologi saw more ways that we could support a range of incredible reforestation and ecosystem restoration projects. Ecologi’s method of distributing the funding they receive means the positive impact of their community is being felt all around the world. 

In June, three of the trees we helped to fund were planted in Uganda’s Namayingo District. There subsistence farmers mainly grow cassava, a drought-resistant root vegetable. Despite its benefits, reliance on cassava can lead to nutrient deficiencies. The area has also seen a decline in tree and vegetation cover due to charcoal production, boat construction, and agricultural expansion, causing soil erosion and fertility loss.

Ecologi’s planting partner, Trees for the Future (TREES), has planted over 250 million trees globally. Experts in agroforestry, TREES integrates agriculture and forestry to create sustainable land-use systems. They combat land degradation by providing farmers with tree seeds, training, and support.

Since January 2024, TREES has been working with 400 farmers in Namayingo to plant 1,600,000 trees over four years. Each farmer will plant 4,000 trees, using intercropping to grow a variety of crops between trees. Farmers can choose crops suited to the region for personal consumption and sale. This project will teach farmers to manage their trees sustainably, offering access to nutritious food, additional revenue, and land restoration, reducing the need to cut down forests.

Over the last month our contributions have again helped to support peatland restoration and conservation in Indonesia. The Katingan Mentaya Restoration and Conservation Project sets out to protect and restore 149,800 hectares of peatland ecosystem. This includes the protection of existing peatland forest through satellite monitoring and fire management. 

You can view our profile here to learn more about the projects we have helped to fund. If you’d like to join the Ecologi community and contribute towards projects like these, you can purchase one of our hosting plans or sign your business up with Ecologi.

Please note: the information in this post is correct to the best of our endeavours and knowledge at the original time of publication. We do not routinely update articles.