Here at Enbecom, as well as providing the best service we can to all our customers, we want to do what we can to help create a positive impact to the environment. Through our partnership with Ecologi we have helped fund over 45 different projects that make a real impact for our planet.

In April, our contributions went towards two of the existing projects that we have already been supporting. One of those being a solar power project in Morocco that is preventing 33,775 tonnes of C02e emissions each year and the other; protecting the Matavén forest of Eastern Colombia, which will prevent an estimated 3,622,352 tonnes of C02e emissions per year.

Morocco’s primary energy consumption is predominantly sourced from fossil fuels, with approximately 57% derived from oil and 33% from coal. In 2021, solar energy represented less than 2% of the energy mix, despite Morocco’s significant potential for solar and wind power generation.

The Ouarzazate solar power station, one of the world’s largest concentrated solar projects, employs thousands of concave mirrors to concentrate solar energy, generating 750 GWh of power annually. The facility can store solar energy for up to 7 hours, allowing power delivery even after sunset. The site was chosen for its exceptional solar potential, receiving some of the highest annual sunlight levels globally. Construction of the Ouarzazate project created nearly 7,000 local jobs. Beyond renewable energy production, the project includes initiatives to support local development. These initiatives include the formation of cooperatives, educational programmes, and skills training.

Colombia is renowned for its biodiversity, accounting for an estimated 10% of the world’s flora and fauna. It is one of 12 countries classified as megadiverse, with its ecosystems containing over 40,000 plant species. The Vichada department, home to the Matavén REDD+ project, is located on Colombia’s eastern plains, near the Venezuelan border, within the Orinoco River basin. Deforestation has been a significant environmental challenge here. Between 1990 and 2005, approximately 500,000 hectares of forest were lost, representing a 3.2% decline in regional forest cover.

The Matavén REDD+ project safeguards 1,150,212 hectares of tropical forest within the Indigenous Reservation of the Matavén Forest. Over the past decade, this initiative has successfully prevented emissions that would have occurred without its intervention. The project addresses the pressures that drive local small-scale farmers to deforest the area by offering alternative employment as forest rangers and promoting sustainable livelihoods that harmonise with the forest rather than depleting it. Nearly 16,000 Indigenous people reside in the area, benefiting from various co-projects alongside forest protection. These initiatives include education, healthcare centres, dental services, sanitation, and food security programmes.

If you’d like to join the Ecologi community and contribute towards projects like these, you can purchase one of our hosting plans or sign your business up with Ecologi. You can view our profile here to learn more about the projects we have helped to fund.

Please note: the information in this post is correct to the best of our endeavours and knowledge at the original time of publication. We do not routinely update articles.