
Copywriting is one of the most important parts of your brand strategy. The copy your business puts out embodies your brand’s personality.

Whereas content is a way you reach your customers through blogs, social media, eBooks, or email, copy is the writing you use to call people to action.

Well-written copy uses language that speaks to and resonates with the customer. Sales copy creates an emotional connection with your customers. It naturally inspires customers to make a purchase because they feel emotionally invested in your brand.

Great brand copywriting shows customers that you know exactly what they are going through and how your product or service fits into their lives. When you make a connection with potential and current customers on that deep level, you create brand advocates who will purchase from you for life.

Create emotionally engaging brand copy with these tips:

Features tell, benefits sell

You might pride yourself on the features of your service or product and what you have to offer. But the words that are going to bring you closer to the sale are words that describe the benefits of the products.

  • Know your customers, what their problems are, and what their everyday life looks like. What are their dreams?
  • Use copy to help them imagine how their lives would be different with your product or service.

Have a distinct brand voice

Your brand voice includes unique words and language. These words help create a brand persona that stands out and resonates with your customers.

  • Brand copy should be written in a distinct, consistent voice. Have brand guidelines to refer to so that your team will stay on the same page.

Create a sense of urgency

Urgency helps customers take action. Use a countdown timer, lower price, or buzzwords to motivate your customers to make a purchase.

  • What won’t be on the table if they don’t purchase your product now? It’s important not to “pressure sell” because that can be counter-productive for customer relationships but limited-time offers are there to encourage customers to sign up as soon as possible.

Create your own category

Use words to become the go-to in your industry. What secret combination makes your business truly stand out?

  • One brand used as an example of this over in the USA is In-N-Out. They are not just a fast food company. Yet since they are only found in specific parts of the US, branding and copy portray them as a cult classic known for their commitment to quality.

Use the AIDA framework to build a connection

When you know your customers and the problems they have, that makes this part easy. The AIDA framework is an unbeatable way to create brand advocates by connecting with customers. This can be used everywhere from your web copy to email copy.

  • Attention. Use an engaging hook to grab the reader’s attention and pull them in.
  • Interest. Grow their interest by giving new information and building the context.
  • Desire. Use words to evoke desire and create an emotional connection about the product or service.
  • Action. Finally, call the reader to action and motivate them to buy.

Copy is how your messaging shapes the perception of your brand that inspires people to buy. Messaging that showcases your brand’s personality is timeless. Words are a powerful tool and can be used to show your brand’s uniqueness in a way that connects with others and the value they get from your company long term.

Brand copywriting creates an internal investment with customers. Through an emotional connection, they become invested in your business – like they would feel close to a friend.

The world is built on stories, and that includes copy. Customers are going through the world using stories to create their understanding of life. You can use words to show customers exactly how your company fits into their lives. When you do this well, it could help your business in a big way.

Please note: the information in this post is correct to the best of our endeavours and knowledge at the original time of publication. We do not routinely update articles.