Enbecom Blog

Many of our customers got a welcome boost this month when we upgraded the speed of their hosting and email at no extra charge.  Basically, we took the decision to upgrade one of our servers to make it serve our customers better.  Straight away, it started making everything (their website, email, Enbecom Control Panel, Enbecom SiteBuilder Pro and more) even faster.

Speed is so important these days on the internet and with so much marketplace competition, anyone selling anything on the web needs to know that visitors can access their site as fast as possible – it’s just another thing to help compete.

Customer service is a big deal for us and we’re pleased to have been able to proactively do this for our loyal customers.

We’ve got some great deals on pay monthly hosting at the moment, which you can find on our Your Own Home on the Web page.

Please note: the information in this post is correct to the best of our endeavours and knowledge at the original time of publication. We do not routinely update articles.